New Quality of Work Initiative

New Quality of Work Initiative

QuartaVista is one of 17 projects that are promoted by the German Federal Ministry for Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS) and supported professionally by the German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) as part of the "New Quality of Work Initiative" (INQA) and the “Businesses and Administration Fit for the Future in the Digital Age" (Innovation Space) directive.

Learn more about the INQA

The “New Quality of Work Initiative” (INQA) is a common initiative by the German federal government, states, employer’s associations and chambers, unions, the Federal Labor Office, companies, social insurance agencies, and foundations. Its goal: More quality of work as a key to innovation and competitiveness in Deutschland. In addition, this alliance, formed in 2002, provides inspiring examples from practice, offers counsel and information, exchange options, and a support program for research and application projects such as QuartaVista that enable new personal and employment approaches. INQA does this by developing and transferring successful solutions to businesses.

INQA Innovation Spaces

To retain and expand quality of work in Germany, it is necessary to design digitalization actively and use the potential of technological change. To do this, the German Federal Ministry for Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS) supports the setting up of in-house innovation spaces under the institutional umbrella of the INQA. A principle-based instrument of learning together through practice-oriented-, step-by-step-, and participatory procedures, accompanied and evaluated by scientific institutions.

Learn more about the INQA Innovation Spaces

Innovation Spaces


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